RENOVOIL was founded at 2008 as a recycling company of cooking oils for the production of biodiesel. We are located at 12th KM National Road Kilkis-Thessaloniki.
We collect cooking oils all aver North Greece especially the Central Macedonia area and we are in collaboration with more than 450 collection points that include taverns, restaurants, hotels, traditional cafes, hospitals and supermarkets.
Our main target is to instill our fellow countrymen/women the recycling habit and our primary belief is that nothing should go wasted without finding a way to reuse it somehow.
Keeping true to our values for more than a decade now we design and propose applicable solutions for the reuse and exploitation of biomass.
Some of our actions are:
- Research of direct use of cooking oils for the production of electric power by using an internal combustion engine/generator and calculation of consumption
- Assistance for a research program of CERTH for the production of 2nd generation biodiesel
- Consultants for two years to an American green investment fund for designing and construction of wood biomass plants with the use of gasification technology. We also took part to the group that operated the first and unique large scale gasification plant in Greece
- Designing biogas plants
- Participation in the groundbreaking research program MOBISOL in collaboration with CERTH/APLT that targets to use biomass of every type to produce added value products and energy by the implementation of solar-thermochemical technology
If you also want to recycle your cooking oils or some other form of biomass that you have/produce contact us and together we can discuss the optimal way to reuse it.
At RENOVOIL we try to beat inertia and the “comfortable habits”. Join us to try together.
With knowledge and experience, we can try to make our planet better for us and the generations that follow.
After all we did not inherit our planet from our parents,
we borrowed it from our children….